Weekly Challenges

Week 3 Challenge

So you sometimes workout 2 hours a day, sometimes 1 hour a day, but now your schedule has changed and you need something quick but will get your heart rate up and will get you sweating, what do you? Well this is what our Kickass Babes have been doing – 12 minute Tabata! Depending on your desired rest period (30 secs – 1 min), it may take you up to 15 minutes, BUT if you can afford 15 minutes, you can definitely get this done.

Quality over Quantity.

Many of us run sh*t because well, we’re women and that’s what we do. We’re already tired and exhausted with having to do x, y, and z all at the same time plus juggle the family, friends, kids, work, finances, food, cleaning, errands, etc. Sometimes we just don’t have time to make it to the gym (20 minute drive there, 20 minute drive back, plus 1 hour in class.. that’s almost 2 hours and half the time was on the commute). Therefore, the challenge for this week will get ‘er done! P.s. also great to do with your kids even if they’ve gotten all riled up with energy!

Here are a few tips and pointers to keep in mind while doing each move in this Tabata:

  1. Football RunsĀ – Make sure that core is in tight and the whole body is engaged!
  2. Plank Jacks – Again, core is in tight, no sagging of the lower back, but also no booty up in the air! Aim to keep a straight line all the way down from the crown of your head to your heels. Also, keep those shoulders, elbows, and wrists nice and stacked!
  3. Jab & Cross – Fully extend both these punches and rotate with each strike. Also, don’t forget to breathe!
  4. Lead Hook & Rear Kick – The most important point for executing these is that full body rotation for the hooks; no swinging monkey arms please! For those kicks, make sure that hip is going forward with the knee coming upwards.
  5. Push-Up & 2 Shoulder Taps – Your hands are slightly wider than shoulder width and make sure you are breathing with the movement; inhale going down, exhale push up. Your core should be in super tight especially when doing those shoulder taps.
  6. Squat to Standing Alternating Side Crunch – The most important point here is to execute the squat properly so that the weight is in your heels and you are not putting pressure onto the knee joint. No caving forward or leaning forward to get lower! However low you go is dependent on your own fitness level.

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