Weekly Challenges

Week 5 Challenge

We’re passing a full month of these Challenges of the Week and I think it’s time to self-reflect. We incorporate daily movement into our day and we take time out of our schedule to get a good quality workout in, but why? Why are we doing this? What is it that motivates and drives us to continue?

Remember why you started.

This week we’re not only doing, but we’re also thinking and reflecting. Therefore, this week’s challenge comes in two parts. The first part is your daily physical activity and the second part is your self-reflection piece. I want you to dig deep and really think about…

  1. I am… (something you identify strongly with)
  2. I stay active because… (why are you even putting yourself through all this??)
  3. I am proud of myself because… (pretty self explanatory for this one – this could be any accomplishment you wish to share; health-related, mental wellness related, physical fitness related, or even life accomplishment related or self-identity related)
For this week’s 5 minute circuit – if you only have 5 minutes of your day for some movement, this is a great option and if you’re looking for a nice little warm-up, this is also a good option to get you going!
– 45 seconds on for each exercise
 5 seconds off in between exercises
– You can choose to rest for 30 seconds-1 minute in between circuits (aka after you get through all 5 exercises!)
If you’re looking for a 10 minute or 15 minute workout, you can easily just go through the 5 minute circuit twice or three times. They’re all simple exercises sequenced in a way that will balance out some upper body and lower body conditioning as well as cardio intervals. Have fun with this one! It’s short but you should be sweating by the end of the 5 minutes – I know I was.
Go get it, team!

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